
Trainees learn at their own pace, starting their learning process when they want by accessing an LMS platform.

Our Self-learning Offer

E-learning modules

A module is not a video of a teacher teaching a class, it is an object fully designed and built for learning purposes.

May include interactive quizzes, scripts, glossaries…

E-learning modules are generally built when a large number of collaborators have to be trained.

Moreover, our library of e-learning modules is the starting point to imagine training paths designed and adapted to your needs.


Interactive web pages where the learner can follow textual content explaining concepts and models, view and possibly run computer code examples, and do coding exercises on their own.

They focus on learning or practicing a programming language on specific business cases.

Training paths (examples)

• Basics in Life, Non-Life, Health Insurance
• Data Culture
• Stochastic processes

Download our Self-learning catalogue here

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at

Discover some of our training paths

Do you want to become a data driven company?

Reacfin Academy has created a comprehensive and custom training program to help your teams and management create more value out of your company's data.

Do you work in the Insurance sector and are looking to deepen your team's knowledge ?

Reacfin Academy has created a comprehensive and custom training program to present key concepts in insurance.

For more information adding Self-learning to your company trainings, do not hesitate to contact us on

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