Digital Transformation and A.I

  • Title : Reacfin’s Strategic Digitalization Quick-Scan
  • Authors : François Ducuroir, Vidushi Gupta, Aurélien Couloumy
  • Date : 13 July 2018
  • Reference : Reacfin White Paper 2018
  • Key words : AI – Digitalization – Finance – Strategy

With its 15 years’ experience in consulting for Financial Institutions and its high-end technical knowledge of algorithms and digitalization techniques, Reacfin has developed and applied a hands-on methodology to help Financial Institutions define priorities and action plans for their digital transformation in data science, artificial intelligence and robotization. Our approach focusses on capturing “Fast-Mover” advantages by leveraging on our clients strengths and competitive positioning.\n\nIn this white paper, written for general managers rather than for AI specialists, we present an overview of our approach that has 3 unique features:\n\nIt can be applied at company level or at specific business level only, taking into consideration a broader group strategy for digitalization.\nIt identifies pragmatic actions to be undertaken in the short term and defines a clear schedule of practical deliverables over time.\n\nIt defines such ‘hands-on’ digitalization strategy very rapidly and in co-development with your own teams (i.e. delivering a strategic vision and implementation roadmap that is truly owned by your staff).\nWe have structured our “Quick Scan” methodology so that it uses concepts which traditional financial services managers are familiar with and such that it will contribute, through rapid measurable results, to a true buy-in within the entire organization or department under scope.François Ducuroir, Vidushi Gupta, Aurélien Couloumy